Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Excitement in the Air

Tess is getting very excited for the surprise visitor coming to our house!

No, it's not the Easter Bunny. It's a whole lot better than some creepy bunny! Her Dipsy is coming! Or "Dippies" as Tess says.

Every plane we've heard for the past week is Dippies' plane. Tess thinks she spots Dippies driving in cars down the street.

Tess has been carrying around her toy airplane all day because she knows Dippies is coming tomorrow.

On the "big airplane."

From "I-dough."

The big plane goes "zoom."

We'll get Dippies at the airport.

Dippies is going to PLAY with Tess.

We can't wait!


Maureen said...

I can't bear to watch the slow demise of your panicked rabbit. Watership Down!

ML said...

Have fun!