Wednesday, March 10, 2010

And Then There Were...9!

News today from the clinic:
  • Of the 13 eggs retrieved yesterday, 9 were mature
  • All 9 of the mature eggs fertilized
  • All 9 are still viable & growing as of this point
Absolutely amazing! Last time at this point we had 3 embryos.

This is not one of our embryos. Ours are undoubtedly much cuter.

Picture of IVF embryo - this is a fertilized human egg (also called oocyte).
This is seen the morning after an IVF egg retrieval when we check the eggs for signs of fertilization.
Male and female genetic material (DNA) are contained in the 2 pronuclei seen in the center of the photo

We'll get another update tomorrow, and they'll tell us whether we transfer on day 3 (Friday) or day 5 (Sunday). If we have a good number still growing, we may be going in on Sunday.

And I was supposed to talk in Sacrament Meeting this Sunday. Good thing I postponed it!

We need all your prayers and good thoughts, so keep them coming!


Maureen said...

Hooray! Hooray! NINE! You could have your own TLC show with nine kids ;) Keep growing, little embryos, we're rooting for you!

Ann said...

Yeah!!!!!! Maybe you will have triplets this time! Ha! Keeping you in our prayers and I loved your post about hitting bottom. Thank you for sharing. Beautifully written!

Leslie said...

Seriously, what will you do if all 9 keep going?!

East Coast Jenny said...

That's great news. I'm praying for you guys.