Nana and Papa have lost power. Fortunately, our power lines are buried underground, so hopefully our power will stay on.
Nana had the foresight to make cookies yesterday, so hopefully their provisions will last!
Before 7 am this morning, Drew had already unwrapped and put on his Christmas Eve jammies. Drew’s defense: “What’s wrong? The package said open on Christmas Eve and TODAY is Christmas Eve!!!”
Drew: "Mom, can I make you a present for Christmas Eve?"
Me: "Umm, sure!"
Drew: "Can I use one of my old socks?"
Me: "Umm...."
Morley left some chocolates with a much-needed reminder for the kids to use kind words.
Drew reported: “Mom, you have to use sweet words with me cuz you love me and Morley said so.”
Not sure the message got through to him.
Drew interrupted the dinner prayer and said, "You know at the end of the prayer you say, 'Name of Jesus Christ, Amen'? Don't say that part. Instead, say 'Happy New Year!'"
Miriam: "Why?"
Drew: "'Cause it's for Christmas!"
You can't even see the cars anymore in this picture! Quite unbelievable! Hope Nana and Papa stocked up on some good books to read by candlelight.
Woohoo! We just got our power back on. (After about 9 hours without.) The house was getting pretty durn frosty inside. Fortunately, we have a gas-burning fireplace in the basement, so we had somewhere warm to go. And, thank heaven for emergency (camping) lights. Keith has used the all-time-wonderful snow-blower about 4 times already and lent it to a neighbor as well. I've been curled up in bed reading my new Alice Mundro book.
xo Nana
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