Saturday, February 6, 2010

Apocalypse [s]Now: The Final Installment (We Hope)

OK, I think the snow is done with us--for now anyway. We're supposed to get a little more later in the week!

The snow in our front yard is now up to 4 ft! Or at least, that's how high the pile end up after Ryan finished shoveling out our car.

After 2 1/2 hours of shoveling, Ryan admitted defeat to the snow gods.

He made good progress though.
Hopefully we'll be able to finish digging ourselves out tomorrow.

We're safe, warm and in good spirits!
We survived the Blizzard of 2010!


Ann said...

the snow storm looks sooo fun! for a few days. and then I would have to come back to san diego. we are in the depths of a bitter winter here. it rained all day!!!!!!!! And it only got up to 65 degrees. kind of rough on the kids. keep us in your prayers.

mir-where did you get laura's apron? you can email me if you want.

Dipsy said...

Ryan is such a hero! Looks like DC will take a long time to dig itself out of this one! Thanks for all the updates. Glad you're safe.

Maureen said...

Craziness. Looks like your road is plowed, at least... the worst is when you get your driveway shoveled and then the plow blocks you off again!

ML said...

Ali told me she was taking the metro down because there was a huge organized snowball fight on the mall. Haven't heard how it turned out but it reminded me when people cranked up their radios and had a street dance during a traffic jam. Seems that everyone's in good spirits.

ML said...

p.s. let's skype