She finds the world fascinating from that vantage point.
Before 7 am this morning, Drew had already unwrapped and put on his Christmas Eve jammies. Drew’s defense: “What’s wrong? The package said open on Christmas Eve and TODAY is Christmas Eve!!!”
Drew: "Mom, can I make you a present for Christmas Eve?"
Me: "Umm, sure!"
Drew: "Can I use one of my old socks?"
Me: "Umm...."
Morley left some chocolates with a much-needed reminder for the kids to use kind words.
Drew reported: “Mom, you have to use sweet words with me cuz you love me and Morley said so.”
Not sure the message got through to him.
Drew interrupted the dinner prayer and said, "You know at the end of the prayer you say, 'Name of Jesus Christ, Amen'? Don't say that part. Instead, say 'Happy New Year!'"
Miriam: "Why?"
Drew: "'Cause it's for Christmas!"
Your baby is going to be a trapeze artist (the nice kind . . . not the way YOU were with a trapeze) And she'll get to wear sequins to work (you won't be the only one anymore, Ryan, heh, heh)
That looks like fun! It reminds me of when you used to pretend to be a mechanical toy that gave us rides: "Put a quar-ter in the slot. Put a quar-ter in the slot." LOL.
Yeah, if only those had been real quarters, I'd be living high on the hog!
Miriam, I think Tess is so lucky to have such a fun mom who plays with her so much! You make me feel boring (but in a very motivational/inspirational way, haha).
I can tell that you really appreciate motherhood, which is awesome.
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