Friday, January 23, 2009

Back to Life

After a great holiday at the beginning of the week, we're finally settling down to a routine again. Ry had Mon. & Tues. off for MLK Day and the Inauguration. He was actually forbidden entering his office on Tues (we all know what a security risk he is)--not that he could have gotten there if he wanted to. In the moments leading up to the Inauguration, I was considering braving the elements and horrendous mobs to attend. I may have made it if wasn't so unbearably cold here! Instead, I elected to watch it on TV, snuggled under a blanket with my warm family.

Politics aside (and I have readers that span political spectrum!), it was a significant moment to watch the first African-American sworn in as President of the United States and feel the support of our country behind him. I'll admit that I got a little misty as I considered what a blessing it is to live in this country (then again, I still get misty whenever I sing the rousing lyrics to "Portsmouth is for People").

I've included some new pics and video clips that show how busy Tess has been lately. She has lots of new favorite activities, which include:

1. Pointing out all the pictures in her Richard Scarry book. Nana recommended this book for Tess, and she adores it! Her favorite things to point to are hats, cars, babies and for some strange reason a ball of yarn that is on one of the pages. I don't know what it is about the ball of yarn, but she points it out every time.

2. Climbing, climbing, climbing! Tess has always been a little cautious when it comes to stairs. Whenever she'd get to stair #6, she'd start shrieking like a princess in distress in need of rescue. So you can imagine my surprise when she crawled all the way up the stairs and into my bedroom yesterday! It's been nonstop climbing ever since.

3. Pulling out bows. Tess finally has enough hair to hold a bow--no corn syrup required! I've waited so long for this, but it seems I'll have to wait even longer. She won't keep one in long enough for me to even snap a picture.

I'm at a standstill with her hair. I'm not sure what to do with it. It's coming in more on the crown, but it's a hundred different lengths, and admittedly, a little unruly at times. Yesterday she woke up looking like Einstein. I'm not sure cutting it would help. I think I just have to be patient, and in the meantime explain to people that my baby's a genius.

4. Books and snuggles with Dad. A longtime favorite!

5. Shrieking when she doesn't get her way. We're trying to get her to use signs to communicate, but she knows that her way is much more effective.

6. Laughing all the time (when she's not shrieking)! Tess has the most infectious giggle! We think it's a great night's entertainment to hear her laugh. She has two true ticklish spots-- under her chin and her little chunker thighs. The thighs are her Achilles heel.

7. Going "Brrrm, brrrm, brrrm." This is Tess' new favorite noise. I don't know how she learned that cars and trucks go "brrm, brrm," but she's quite excited by it. She spent an afternoon playing trains with Wes & Sean, and had a fabulous time. Her new favorite toy is a fire truck that she makes go "brrm, brrm!" (The cashier was surprised that I was buying a truck for a girl.)


Dipsy said...

The picture of Tess with the bow looks so much like Miriam did at that age! She is growing up so fast. i think she should put all growth on hold until I can see her in April. I'm missing her way too much!

Maureen said...

She's a delicious little peach, isn't she? I liked her coy over-the-shoulder look while she's making her stair getaway. I also adore her fuzzy hair. It just begs to be nuzzled! Thanks for the post!

ML said...

"Portsmouth Is For People" gets me every time too. Chesapeake is for warthogs . . . all kinds of warthogs.