Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Halloween Come Early

Just a couple more pics from our Idaho trip. Reen got out her costume box and couldn't resist dressing up the kiddies. LK had a great time dressed like a "pup-pup." She kept strolling past the mirror to catch a glimpse of herself. Tess was less enthused about the fish costume (or "Jonah" costume, if you agree with Mer's POV). We did bring home a rabbit costume that may make an appearance this Halloween, if Tess doesn't get too much longer before then. Even now she kind of looks like Bugs Bunny wearing capris in it.


Maureen said...

Nope, you gotta buy that kid something all-new for her first Halloween. I'm rooting for the hot dog costume.

Maureen said...

PS I loved the Poisonwood Bible... but I don't think our library has The Bean Trees.

Ryan said...

The Bean Trees wasn't anywhere near as good. I'm starting The Story of Edgar Sawtelle--it's supposed to be really good. And if you haven't read Middlesex, you should.
