The guilty culprit.
Before 7 am this morning, Drew had already unwrapped and put on his Christmas Eve jammies. Drew’s defense: “What’s wrong? The package said open on Christmas Eve and TODAY is Christmas Eve!!!”
Drew: "Mom, can I make you a present for Christmas Eve?"
Me: "Umm, sure!"
Drew: "Can I use one of my old socks?"
Me: "Umm...."
Morley left some chocolates with a much-needed reminder for the kids to use kind words.
Drew reported: “Mom, you have to use sweet words with me cuz you love me and Morley said so.”
Not sure the message got through to him.
Drew interrupted the dinner prayer and said, "You know at the end of the prayer you say, 'Name of Jesus Christ, Amen'? Don't say that part. Instead, say 'Happy New Year!'"
Miriam: "Why?"
Drew: "'Cause it's for Christmas!"
It's a good thing she is so darn cute, rolling around in all that formula--or her genuine"butt dusting" might have been a whole 'nother kind of butt dusting! (Or not.)
xo Nana
I love the last photo of the cute lil snug.
Oh my gosh, that's hilarious!!
Great, Ry! And to think I threatened her, "Just you wait until Dad gets home!" One of us has to be bad cop!
Talk about some expensive fun!!! I hope you sucked all of the formula off her cute buns. If not, when you put her in the bath, the water may turn to formula :o)
OH my goodness! Hysterical (for me, not you)! The funniest part of the video is your commentary... "Oh, Tessie!".... And I have to add that you Murdock girls all have VERY similar voices!
She does look a bit shamed in that last photo. She and Isaac could have such mischievous fun together! His mess of choice is baby powder (I seriously need to stop buying the GIANT bottles of it)!
That is so cute!! A mess for you, but still so sweet.
I've learned that I should never go to the bathroom, especially when my boys get quiet! It only means bad things for me!!
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