Sunday, November 1, 2015

October 2015 Tidbits

Drew, after drinking from a cup of day-old water on his nightstand: "This water tastes like the garden section at Lowe's." 

Miriam, talking with Tess about the energetic girls in Tess' Brownie troop: "Sometimes girls that age just have to have time to run wild."
Tess: "Yeah, I think it's called the gymnastics stage." 

Drew and I had a picnic lunch while visiting the pumpkin patch. Announcing that he was finished eating, Drew said: "A fly can have the rest." 

While at the pumpkin patch, Drew and I visited the "Fun Barn" (so the sign read). Drew took a few turns on the rope swing before he tripped on a hay bale and fell down. He said, "Dad, let's leave this place. It dangerous." 

Drew was beyond excited to take Ryan on his school pumpkin patch trip today. I (Miriam) reminded him to be a good and helpful boy for Dad. He replied, "Oh, I will. Cuz Dad is my favorite human." 

Drew: "Mom, 'member when you say too much electronics all the time is not good? You right about that." 
Miriam (incredulously): "I am?"
Drew: "Yeah, 'cuz it not good for you."
Miriam: "Really? How do you know that?"
Drew: "Cuz you the mom." 

Last night on a walk with Drew, we (Miriam and Drew) spotted a spider web with a big spider in the middle.
Drew: "That a different kind of spider. I fink it called a Mommy Legs spider!"

After a long day (well, a long week...well, a long month), I (Miriam) scrounged up grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner.
Drew commented: "Mom, you should put these up for sale. They taste really good."