Busy days. Here's a little of what's been happening.
This is a horse town that Tess created called "Haysville." The whole town is also a restaurant, so the horses can eat wherever they go. Horse heaven.
This is a map that Tess put by our front door, in case anyone needs to find their way around our house.
In keeping with Drew's recent golfing obsession, he loves this new golf store that recently opened. We were lured inside by the enormous golf ball that sits on top of the store, which Drew can identify from anywhere inside a 5-mile radius of the store. Drew heaven. But Tess and Ry like it too.
They have little, tiny golf club sets, but he couldn't be convinced to put down his own cheapie "geen" club, which he brought to the store. He would sleep with that thing if I let him.
Drew making buildings out of blocks.
Drew using a red pepper strip as a "golf club" to putt a bean off his dinner tray.
The red pepper has a curve at the end that makes it a convenient club.
Drew really likes golf.
Red peppers and beans--not so much.
We've been introducing Drew to the potty. He's been doing well and loves his "truck pants" and potty candy. I'm just not ready to commit to it yet. He is pretty cute in his big boy pants, though.
Tess started swimming lessons at the indoor rec center. Drew sits very patiently and watches.
After the lesson, they get to play for a bit in the baby pool. Tess is in love with the yellow mini pool slide. She's cries after every lesson because she wants to do swimming again and again and she never wants it to end and she wants me to promise that we can always do swimming all the time until she's 100 and if we can't do swimming here, we can do it somewhere else with a little yellow slide, which (did I mention?) she loves.
So I guess it's going well. They had to combine classes, so she's in a with a group of kids that are a bit more advanced than her. But she's holding her own. It's actually good because the peer pressure encourages her to be a little braver and try things in the water she normally wouldn't.
It's been a little surprising, because her swim teacher "Chris" is a bit of a burly guy. Not exactly the warmest fellow, but she's done OK with him. "Mom, did you know that boys can be teachers too?"
Ryan took a vacation day off work, so we took him to Chuck E. Cheese early on a Friday morning.
It was blissfully empty.
Tess' favorite is the horse ride.
Drew's favorite, of course, is the baby basketball game. Ryan's proud accomplishment was setting a new high score on this game. The machine was also strangely calibrated to give an unusually high number of tickets, so we cashed in on some better-than-usual Chuck E. Cheese swag.
Mother's Day was this weekend. The kids were very excited to have Nana and Papa over for dinner. We're lucky to have them close by!
What a fun family!
Great photos! And, thank you for the wonderful Mother's Day dinner and festivities at your house. The table looked lovely, and the food was delish.
xo Nana
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