Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Life After the Stomach Flu of Death

The most exciting news around here lately is that we survived the Stomach Flu of Death.  Drew threw up one time, Tess threw up for 2 days, and I vomited for 3 days straight and then 2 more days off and on.  Ryan Mr. Super Immunity managed to avoid the plague all together.  I honestly can't remember ever having been so sick.  I lost 13 lbs in 3 days, and have since gained it all back.  I've never been so happy to drink water.

Now that we're well, life is back to normal again.  Drew continues to become more ball-crazed.  He looks forward to "night basketball" every evening with Ryan.  Drew meets him on the stairs, with basketball in hand, as soon as Ry walks through the door.  Drew isn't wearing any clothes in this video because he and Tess were playing dress-up princess and Drew was ready to take off his green dress.

We had a Sunday St. Patrick's Day.  A leprechaun raided our Lucky Charms cereal and made quite a breakfast mess.  He also managed to turn our milk green.

Blowing green St. Patty's Day bubbles. 

Tess has been giving Tess doll ballet lessons.  She has to practice every day.

Maureen sent Tess a surprise in the mail: a book of her own drawings!   
Tess loved reading her own "author biography" on the back of the book.

We are gearing up for Dipsy's spring visit.  Tess has already started making Dipsy decorations in celebration of her arrival.  Nothing says "Welcome!" like a hanging box chandelier ornament.


Maureen said...

Love the video of your two boys! That box decoration is very creative, Tess!

Dipsy said...

No wonder I love coming to your house, with a welcome celebration decoration like that! Can't wait! In the meantime I will be practicing up on my basketball skills!