Drew has fallen asleep every afternoon this week. He dropped his nap ages ago--he must be going through a growth spurt or something.
I went to a birthday lunch at a friend's house today, and my children are impossible. All the other kids are perfectly content to play with toys in the other room. Mine are clingy and climbing all over me. Drew erupts into tears if I so much as take a few steps away from him. I don't know what I do to make my children like this.
Lots of new words from Drew these days: squirrel, pig, bunny, couch, just to name a few. Anything I want him to learn, I just set Tess to task on it. She's great teacher and he loves learning from her.
Drew can now tell you that he is "TWO!" and Tess is "FIVE!"
Any time Drew spots a flame, fireplace or candle, he yells out "Birfday! Birfday to you!"
All of our coaching is starting to pay off. Drew now knows animal sounds for a cow, dog, kitty, bird, duck, and chicken. He also knows the colors green, red, orange, blue, purple, and sun.
Drew has perfected the art of the pout. He lets you know when his feelings are hurt by dramatically casting down his eyes and poking out his lower lip. He may let it tremble a few moments before starting in on the tears. If he still doesn't have your attention, he may drape his body over you in a languid swoon. If the case calls for instant reaction, he can do a dead drop to the ground in seconds flat, as his whole world just popped like a giant balloon. If he gets what he wants, it's amazing how quickly he recovers with a happy, "K!"
Tess had sudden outburst of a meltdown on the way to school. "There's something I don't like about school!" Apparently a teacher she doesn't know keeps saying "Hi" to her in the hall. She sounds like a pretty awful lady. Sometimes Tess pretends not to hear her, or Tess runs into the room so she won't see her. Tess wishes she would just "go away and stop saying hi." I suggested a better alternative might be to give a smile and say hi back, but that suggestion didn't go over well. When I dropped her off, Tess was in full-fledged tear overdrive. Should be a good day at school.
Tess: "You can give signals for what food you want for dinner. This is pizza [she draws a triangle in air], this is macaroni [she draws a smile in the air], and this is spaghetti [she draws a swirling line in the air]."
Ryan: "Where did you learn those signals?"
Tess: "From TV. I learn almost everything from TV."
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