Ryan has been teaching Tess some basketball terminology as they've been playing with Drew's new basketball hoop. Ry told Tess that if the ball goes in and doesn't touch the rim, it's a "swish" ball. Tess took that one step further and came up with her own term. If the ball doesn't go in at all, she calls it a "swiss cheese" ball.
Ryan gave Tess a book about outer space for Christmas. Today she was spinning quite the yarn about her adventures in space with her teddy bear. Apparently they were astronauts who had to wear "space diapers" and drink water from a long "space straw." Beary was connected to her by a long string. They visited a pink planet called "Miss Piggy Planet" and saw green martians on the sun. Tess and Beary told them to get off the sun, or it was going to burn out.
"Mom, know what a pig's nose is called? It's called a snot!"
Tess got an electric keyboard for Christmas from Nana and Papa. While playing it today, she told me: "Mom, I need to get a bowl." W hen I inquired as to the purpose of the bowl, she replied: "So people can put in money in case they like my song!"
Tess on Christmas morning: "Hey, I think Santa used our wrapping paper and name stickers!"
Tess pointed out a car driving down the road and said, "That's a beach car!"
M (confused): "It is? What makes it a beach car?"
T: "See its sticker? It says 'OBX.' That means 'the beach!'"
When sitting, Tess often points out to me how she can make "a stable for Jesus" by putting the toes of her shoes together and spreading her heels to form a triangle shape with her feet.
"Mom really likes that I'm 4 now. The hugs are really good."
On a recent night, Tess grudgingly offered the dinner prayer. She closed the prayer by saying, "Please bless that next time Dad can say the prayer."
I overheard Tess' one-way conversation on her toy phone in the car tonight:
"Oh, so you're going to be in a Christmas play? That's good, that's good. What you going to be? Mary, a shepherd, or what?" [Pause.]
"Oh! You're going to be the star? Wow! That's good! And your baby is going to be Jesus? Wow! And someone is going to be the hay? That's silly." {Pause.]
"Oh no! Oh no! [Huge gasp.] OH NO!!! A sheep caught on fire? Oh no?! And he hurt his foot? Oh no! So they're canceling the play? That's too bad."
Why is it that Drew will gleefully eat food off the floor that he refuses to eat off his tray? I'm considering having his highchair tray carpeted.
I taught Tess how to say "hello" in Spanish and French. (She already knew Chinese from Ni-Hao Kai-lan, thank you Nick Jr.) Then she taught me how to say "hello" in a little-known language called "Gingerbread."
While driving today, we passed a water tower. Tess excitedly exclaimed, "Look! It's the Eiffel Tower!" Then she pulled out her toy cell phone and pretended to snap pictures of it. Then we discussed what she knew about the Eiffel Tower and I told her I'd been there and what it was like. She asked, "Mom, you take me to France someday?" How could I say no? When Ryan came home, Tess reported: "Mom taking me to France one day!"
Tess is preparing for a career as a diva. While we were singing a Christmas song together in sacrament meeting on Sunday, she suddenly pulled the hymnbook away from my view and told me, "Dad, you scoot back and scoot over there. I can sing by myself."
Tess told me about something she learned in Primary:
T: "There was a tree. And it was on FIRE!!! It was yellow glowing and brown at the bottom. Then it said to a guy, "Get outta here and TAKE OFF YOUR SHOES!"
M: "Wow! I think I've heard that story. Was it about Moses?"
T: "I don't be-member. It was the guy with a headband. You know him? A really huge headband."
Tess' response when she does not want to talk about something: "We can talk about it tomorrow."
Multilingual Tess: "Chocolata is 'hot cocoa' in French."
After listening to the song, "Santa Claus is Coming to Town, Tess is now convinced that Santa won't be bringing her presents because she "did crying this year." It has been something of a rough year. Maybe I should just go with it. Ryan told Tess that she should be OK because Santa grades on a curve.
Well, Nana said she would like to take Tess to Disneyland, but she didn't mention leaving mom home alone with an ipad. This kid is more inventive than Disney himself, LOL.
xo Nana
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