Dapper Drewie has learned what to do with a comb. He reminds me so much of Tess when he does this!
Drew has finally figured out an army crawl. His version relies heavily on arm power and is employed only when its to his definite advantage. He's gotten a little faster since this video, and he can get into what he likes now. That being the crayon box. A whole box of long cylinders--another favorite plaything!
Of course, we'd be willing to trade just about any of these tricks for the ultimate, show-stopping trick: "Baby sleeps through the night with no bottle and no crying." Ta-daaa! We've been practicing this trick, so here's clip from one of our 3 am sessions.
I'm too scared of jinxing myself, so I won't tell you that Drew has slept through the night for the past 2 NIGHTS!!!!! But you didn't hear it from me.
Here's a trick from Tessie: "Miraculously falling asleep when she's NOT SLEEPY AT ALL."
But Tess has been more about the treats lately. In an effort to increase her courage, I've devised a "Brave Basket" system through which she can earn fabulous prizes through feats of bravery. And by "fabulous prizes," I mean pink, uber-girly stuff which goes against my moral fiber and makes her three-year-old heart palpitate with excitement. Here is the pink and purple eyeshadow. I'll post pics of the play high-heeled shoes another time.