Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mom's Day and Movers

I had the BEST Mother's Day ever this year!  I took the day totally off, and that means that I didn't even worry about taking pictures.  

Tess was in "party mode" the whole weekend and took great care to fashion her own Mom's Day decorations (ribbons and fairy coloring pages taped on the walls "because it's Mom/Fairy Day.")   Sunday Ryan and Tess decorated with streamers. (By this point, I think Tess' enthusiasm was starting to wear on Ryan.  In his words, "I think somebody will not be included on the party planning committee next year.")  

Tess & Ryan gave me lovely tulips.  Ryan served crab cakes and fruit salad for lunch and we had AMAZING chocolate cake for dessert.  Best of all, I had a long nap after church.  What more could a Mom ask for?

To make up for the lack of Mom's Day pics, here are a couple million shots that show why I'm such a lucky Momma!


But the party doesn't end there!  Last week we got tickets to see one of Tess' favorite music groups, the Imagination Movers in concert in D.C.  They have a show on the Disney channel and Tess loves their songs (and actually Ry & I both like them too).

It was a really fun concert, but boy was it LOUD!!!  We had to scream to talk to each other, and even then we could barely hear each other.  It was all a little much for her at first, but she warmed up and was soon dancing in the aisles.  She was excited to see her two favorite characters, Nina and Warehouse Mouse.

It's too dark to see her, but she's doing some pretty impressive "push-up style" moves on the ground.

And just in case you still need a little more dancing, here are a couple videos from tonight. I was trying to get the kids ready for bed when we thought that Drewie might be trying to roll over, so I grabbed the camera.  Not a whole lot of rolling, but Tessie provides her own unique form of action.

One last clip, because in Tess' words, "it's my favorite."  Which means that she watches it over and over again, laughing hysterically until she can hardly breathe.


Dipsy said...

I can't believe Drew's beautiful hair.

Nana and Papa said...

My fave is the photo of Tess holding Drew in such a loving headlock!

xo Nana

Maureen said...

So cute! Xander keeps poking at Drew and saying BABY! And he loved Tess' dancing.

I agree with Tess, Drew IS a little baby doll, yes he is!

I thought it was funny how many of the adults had their cell phones open and were surfing the net during that concert. Hee hee.

Dipsy said...

I think Tess has got the moves!!! She needs to be on stage and have people pay to watch HER! Congrats on 2 more pounds! You are moving in the right direction, and I know it ain't easy!