Thursday, January 6, 2011

Of Late

Happy to report that I have nothing too eventful to report.  Ryan's back at work and I'm learning to juggle the two kiddies at home alone.

In my need for sanity and rest, Tess has become something of a TV junkie.  Today I thought we'd see how long we could last without turning to the tube.  Tess needs background noise, so I got a bunch of kids music CD's from the library--every one of which drove me batty.

Tess was much more creative today when she wasn't plugged in to the telly.  This is a photo of her "experient," which she defines as "something new I try."  This experiment involved creating a bridge out of cushions and pillows and doing tricks to get across to the other side.

Without cushions, the couch made a "perfect lil bed" for Teddy and Tess read him bedtime stories. 

She also painted, colored, played computer games, helped me with a Valentine's craft, read library books and played dollhouse.  We made it until 4:00, when I turned Curious Buddies on continuous play and let it go for 3 rounds.

Speaking of Valentine's crafts...

Heart pockets just right for love notes and a Valentine's Day treat.

And a paper heart garland that I made because I couldn't find one I liked in the store.  I thought Tess would enjoy helping me "curl" the hearts, but the novelty of it wore off quickly.  Still, she approves of the final result:  "I love all your hearts, Mom!"

Speaking of love...

I may be biased, but this baby of ours is getting really cute lately.  Ryan has a special knack for getting newborns to talk and he had Drew cooing tonight.  Both Ryan and Nana claim they've seen Drew smile, but I've yet to see it.  He is definitely starting to develop a little personality.

Drew's hair is lightening up like Tess' did, but we've been surprised to see new hair growing in too.  Tess was basically a cue ball once she lost all her dark hair.  Tess loves to point out and laugh at his "spiky hair."  Today she was doing a fish puzzle at the library and she held up a puzzle piece shaped like a puffer fish next to Drew.  "Look Mom, the puffer fish has spiky hair just like baby brother!"

Awww...our little baby puffer fish.


Maureen said...

What a delicious post! That Tess is the sweetest little Valentine! Did you make the hearts out of one strip of paper and cut a slit for the ribbon, or are they two separate ones? Can I steal your idea for Marzipan?

Oh wee puffer fish! What a dear little thing you are!!

Nana and Papa said...

Such festive valentines! Did you make the ones on the stairs as well as the very clever garland?
Loved seeing the photos of the kids. And, even though we are lucky enough to see them in person, I still hunger after the updates.

xo Nana

Ryan said...

The hearts are one strip of paper. Of course they weren't my idea, but you're welcome to steal the idea from here:
Little ones would be cute on cards, Maur.

I bought the heart pockets on the stairs at Michael's and added the names myself.

Nana and Papa said...

P.S. I want to kiss the back of Tess' neck in the photo where she is reading to her bear!

xo Nana

ML said...

Valentine's decorations! I just barely took down the Christmas tree. Very impressive, mother of two!

Ann said...

Cutest valentine decorations!!!! I love both of them. I can't believe you made that garland!

ML said...

Haven't heard from you in a while. Still alive?