Monday, December 6, 2010

Baby Brother


Maureen said...

Ohhhh thank you! That is just the bit of sunshine I needed to brighten this snowy day. They are sooo cute together. And that sweet sparkly eyed boy! I just want to scoop him up!

I'm gonna go look again!

ML said...

So adorable, Miriam! I wish I had been able to spend more time with little Drew. I'm missing Tess Bess too.

Leslie said...

Those two are SO precious!!

Maureen said...

I came back for my morning baby fix and I noticed that Drew DESPERATELY needs to be kissed right under his chin. Please do this for me immediately.

Nana and Papa said...

He's so quickly turning into his very own person. I don't think he resembles Tess as much now. Wish I could pick him up and cuddle him.

xxoo Nana

Dipsy said...

I've been showing everyone at work these pictures today, and everyone agrees that I am a very lucky grandma! Today is even "Free Fine Day" in the library in honor of my newest grandson!

Unknown said...

I love him!! He is such a sweet littlet baby!

Ann said...

Miriam-I am impressed you have time to ready any blogs at all! Yes, i got the idea off of Clover Lane. She posted the exact same post last year. We bought the wood and were going to do it just like she did but changed our minds. It took me forever to come up with the final version! :)

Drew is so sweet! I love the picture of him and Tess where he is raising his eyebrows and he has little wrinkles on his forehead! So cute!

I hope newborness is treating you well and that you get rest here and there!

Dipsy said...

Love the FUNNY tidbits. I laughed and laughed!

LaRae said...

He is so beautiful! What a sweet little family.

Maureen said...

I like Tess' Tidbits! Poor "little peanut." She picked a nick name that will be hard to live down :)

I made Drew's first mini album! But it could sure use some text. If you want to throw out a few details of the birth/hospital stay, I could finish it up for him :)

Love you guys!!

Ryan said...

I'm not sure I'm ready to relive that experience. You can just say that he was ready to get here. Contractions started at 6 am, the day before Thanksgiving and I told Ryan I thought this baby would be here within 48 hours. By 9 am I called the doctor with contractions 5 mins apart. By the time they saw me at 11 am, they were 2-3 mins apart and I thought I was going to have the baby in the doctor's office. They decided to admit me and had me walk over to the hospital. Drew was here by 12:45 pm, with no time for an epidural. Au naturel.

That's enough reminiscing for now. Do you have a phone yet?