OK, as for the potty-training thing, I lied. I still have a lot of excuses. And most of them are pretty good ones.
I'm still in the thick of house crud. I painted the downstairs ceiling today. That sounds like progress, except I painted it the wrong color. I've already painted that ceiling once this year, so I swear I bought the right color. But alas, nope.
That's OK, though, because even with the wrong color, I was able to tell that in some spots the patching job still needs help. So, I sliced out and repatched big portions of the ceiling. Did I mention this is never going to end?
In the meantime, Tess has found many ways to entertain herself with all the stuff that remains spread around the house. On Tuesday, she got into a stash of my makeup (that I guess I should put away now that the bathroom is somewhat in order).
Her pronouncement when she came downstairs, "Mom, I beautiful!"
Cute? Yes, until I realized that she'd plastered on 4 layers of my Everlast Lip Gloss. Which did not come off for days. Literally. I scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed and it took me 3 days to completely remove it. I may resort to using that stuff on the ceiling. Speaking of plastering....
Today she came downstairs with her latest find: "Look, Mom! These are my boat thingies!" In my best estimation, I think she meant life preservers, in the way of water wings. But that's just a guess.
She has to help every step of the way. Today when I was on the ladder, she held my legs and said, "Be careful, Mom. I hold you." And when it's not employed in jobs, the ladder is Tess' "thinking spot."
Tess hasn't been too interested in drawing lately. Her attention span for it has shortened, for some reason. But I loved this sketch that she drew for me. It's a picture of "Mommy with a neck and a baby in her belly." Finally, I get a neck.
Oh I love that girl! That picture is the cutest thing. She seems to be quite the little trooper, making the most of a messy situation. I like her thinking spot, maybe I should try out MY ladder for that... Oh wait, I don't even own a ladder :(
Oh, I just want to tweak those everlasting cheeks! She is SO cute! I miss that kiddo.
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