Saturday, December 5, 2009


So our new camera arrived and we're starting to get back into the swing of Blogging things. I'm still figuring out all the settings and what works best, but I think the camera will work well for our needs. We purchased it with Christmas money from Dipsy & Papa, so THANKS grandparents!

Conveniently enough, shortly after the camera arrived, so did a wintry storm. The snow was a welcome change from all the rain we've had lately! Tess learned about "mittens" and she was excited to try them out.

Hanging around with Mom.

Disclaimer: Filming while stopped at a very long light--do not try this at home.

Hanging out with Dad.


Maureen said...

I am SO head-over-heels in love with that girl! She is SO CUTE!!!!

And a genius! Not even two and she knows her colors?! Brilliant.

Great job on the camera, looks like you picked a nice one!