Saturday, August 15, 2009

Idaho: Days 3, 4 & 5

The First Annual Cousins Camp

Wildflower Identification

Decorating their Wildflower Nature Books

A shy little (?) kitty named Blueberry (aka "Papa") has taken up residence under the bridge. If you repeat the magic words, he'll put a pail in your bucket for gathering blueberries. Fortunately, Reen vetoed the original idea of a scary troll living under the bridge.

The hunt is on: gathering wild blueberries.

Tess LOVED picking the berries and putting them in her bucket, but she refused to eat one. Instead, she fed them all to me.

Tess went crazy running through the little creek.
It was so cold--that didn't bother her a bit!

Wagon rides before dinner.

Tinfoil dinners around the campfire.

Xander is a precious puff.
Reen is pretty cute too.

Tess showing off her flexibility. The others kids tried it too.

Tess & Lauren: 2 Peas in a Pod

Pudding Painting (can you tell this was Meredith's idea?)

The Girls

Kind of sad when your mom looks younger than you.


Maureen said...

Mer, you can never make fun of Xander's hat again.

Leslie said...

I love all the pictures! They are great. It looks like you guys are having a ton-o-fun there!

Unknown said...

How do I sign my kids up?