Saturday, May 2, 2009


I'm grateful for good friends. Today I realize I don't value them enough. Last night I lost a close friend to a sudden, unexplained illness--so sudden that she was actually healthy and at church this past Sunday.

Shawnie was in her mid-30's with 3 rambunctious boys that she worked so hard to get here on earth. She was Primary President when I was her counselor; she was my visiting teaching companion and a dear friend.

Miriam Higginbotham, Shawnie Tull, LaRae Lind

After processing the shock of it all, I am overcome with sadness at the loss of this friend. My patriarchal blessing blesses me to have friends wherever I go, people who will help, respect and love me. It says they will be a source of comfort, strength and support according to my desire, need and my faith in and love for them.

In keeping with these promises, I have been blessed with many good friends. Shawnie was definitely one of these friends for me. I was strengthened and my life was enriched because she was my friend. I hope she knows that. I will miss her.


Dipsy said...

I have been crying all day for you and the loss of your friend. I know how much you loved her because of the many conversations we had about her and her amazing abilities. I will never understand why things like this have to happen. I will be praying for you, for her family, and for your whole ward. Love, Mom