Thursday, February 12, 2009

Baby Love

Tessie melted my heart this morning. I needed something to occupy her during my morning workout, so I got out this new baby doll that I'd been saving for her.

Align CenterTess making the ASL sign for "baby."

After exploring the baby's hat, eyes and feet, Tess took her bottle and started feeding the baby and making this funny, high pitched noise. I'm not sure what the noise is supposed to be. Best I can tell, Tess is either making the sound of a baby eating, cooing or whining, or she's making the noise of a mom comforting her baby.

I never was able to master the "foot" hold method of bottle feeding.

In any regard, the fact that she knows that's what a mom does for her baby made me feel like I must be doing a good job (even if I did just throw new toys at her so I could have 45 min. to myself!).

A little for you, a little for me.


Ryan said...

Gotta love the lil snug.


Unknown said...

That is seriously way too cute for words!!! I think someone is ready for a sibling ;o} or maybe just Baby Alive!

Maureen said...

I love her little coos.

Now we all know that you sneak sips of Tess' bottle-- where else would she learn that?

Good job with the ASL, Tessabelle! You'll catch up to Lauren in no time (and then there will be no stopping them... they could stage a coup...)

Dipsy said...

Bet it was hard for you to tear away to exercise! Such a sweet Baby/Mama Tess. Love, Dipsy

Ryan said...

Don't worry--I don't leave her alone while I exercise! She hangs out in her crib while I treadmill beside her (it's in her room). I just needed something to entertain her while she hung out in her crib. This video is after exercising.
