Saturday, November 1, 2008


WOW! Checking everyone's blogs the day after Halloween is almost as good as Christmas morning! There were such great pics from both the Murdocks & Higginbothams, I thought I'd post a few to share all around!

Maureen's Family

Isaac the Alligator and Kenzie the Puppy.

Josh's school costume.
(He teaches 3rd grade and that's really their dog.)

Laura's Family

Brookie the Monkey with Banana (how fitting) &
Fuzzers the Moo Cow

Laur made these cookies for her Halloween playgroup
(using fudge-striped cookies and Hershey's kisses).
What a cute idea!

Ann's Family

From their favorite movie!
Marc as Buddy, Ann as Jovie, and Jake as Papa Elf!
(Ann made Jake's costume by hand!)

This picture only furthers my theory on the connection
between Marc, Halloween and increased body hair.

The Elf crew, Kate the Pirate, and Truman the Storm Trooper.

Meredith's Family

We're off to see the Wizard!
Mer as The Wicked Witch After the House;
Lauren as Dorothy;
and Brian as The Yellow Brick Road
(he wore a sign on his back that said "Follow Me!").

Mer constructed this from a diaper box.
This costume was months in the making!

LK with her ruby reds--Mer glued the sequins on by hand!

Tessie has the MOST FUN FAMILY EVER!


Nana and Papa said...

These photos made my day! Almost as good as Halloween (my high holiday) itself.

Mer, I love, love, love the costumes you made. You are a woman after my own heart. A friend once accused me of "Halloween overkill"--and told me I was the kind of mom who would make an Eiffel Tower out of paper clips for one of my kids! (duh, like, who wouldn't!).

Tessie is the sweetest cat on earth--right next to her Siamese mom. And Ry, you did the family right proud with your awesome jack-o-lantern.

I'm proud of all my Halloweeners. . . Long live the family tradition!

xxoo Nana

ML said...

How cute you guys! I love those witch hat cookies. I'm all for a treat that looks cute AND tastes good. Yum! Brian's favorite movie is "Elf". He's gonna be pretty jealous when he sees that. And Wendy and Keith? I'm assuming Miriam just hasn't posted the pics yet because I'm sure they had great costumes to celebrate Halloween/birthday, yes?

Ann said...


How did I get so far behind on all your posts????
1.Love the spooky tiger! Those cupcakes look delicious!
2. You look beautiful!!!! In your makeup shots and in your cat costume! You always were beautiful!
3. So fun to see everyones costumes. I may have to steal some ideas for next year! :) Or maybe I should do a contest for the most creative idea for us!
4. I was thinking of your hair costume when Marc put his wig on! ha ha


Maureen said...

I think I was outdone! BTW, Josh teaches 5th grade... I'm not sure he'd have the patience for third :)

Ryan said...

Sorry, Josh! 5th grade--you're an even bigger saint than I thought you were! 3rd grade is my favorite. It must have been 3rd for his student teaching? I guess he wouldn't be in mom's school if he taught 3rd, huh?

Give the toothy alligator and spunky puppy kisses for me!


Maureen said...

It's been 5 days without a Tess update! WE WANT TESS!

Maureen said...

Jinkies! Happy birthday, Ryan!

Miriam, you're STILL reading Edgar Sawtell? Yawn.