Friday, July 4, 2008

Where Credit's Due

I've been meaning to post a big THANK YOU to my ever-talented brother, Ryan, for working on my new blog design. I've had several compliments regarding my technical skills with the layout and believe me--it was all him! He worked with me on the design in Idaho and he did it all for FREE (I'll probably have to pay a pretty penny for his technical expertise once he graduates!). Thanks Ry. I hope you like the TECHNICOLOR tribute!


Unknown said...

my blog needs a facelift. Ryan H. can show you how to hack into my blog and feel free to change things up a bit :o)

Maureen said...

Ooo, Mimi, you be gettin' fancy wit de cuhluhs.

Leslie said...

Oh, well that explains it. I should have guessed that Ryan had something to do with it! He's always fixing stuff for 'Reen.