Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mommy Musings

We've had a such a nice Mother's Day! The rumors at church turned out to be true--we got roses and chocolates!

Sad story about the flowers, though. After Bishopric meeting this morning, Ry was tasked with setting out the flowers in the kitchen so they'd be ready to distribute after Sacrament Meeting. Once he got the flowers out of the fridge, Ry was having a hard time taking the flowers out of the vases. Then he realized the water in the vases was frozen!

Evidently, the flowers were left in the fridge over night with the fridge setting way too low! So you can imagine that the flowers looked pretty pathetic once it was time to hand them out. Bruised petals and dead leaves littered the chapel. Most of the flowers had a hard time keeping their defrosted little heads up.

Good thing the flowers were followed by chocolates! Next year, I say nix the flowers and blow the budget on chocolate! No defrosting required.

Tess wore a special dress from her Nana to church today. I've been waiting for her to grow into this dress--it is just so sweet! Once she was dolled up in her matching sweater and tights, she looked like the perfect Mother's Day package. Am I a lucky mom or what?

Wendy and Keith came over after church and we had a nice dinner with them. I'm afraid to report that Tess hasn't been taking to kindly to Papa Higginbotham lately. She gets upset and cries every time he tries to hold her.

I've tried explaining to Tess that when she was first born this is the man who paced the floor with her hour after hour in the middle of the night, when everybody else had practically given up on her. Good thing Keith is persistent. Tess, you're going to have to warm up to him sooner or later!

After dinner, us moms opened our fun presents. My mom sent me a pretty photo charm bracelet, so I can wear pics of my Tessie. Wendy and Keith gave me some yummy-smelling chocolate soap. (My mom and mother-in-law gave me presents. Now isn't that backwards?).

My two favorite people!
(Sorry, everyone else!)

Ry gave me some beautiful roses (better than the ones from church!), and Tess and Ry gave me some gift certificates to buy some new summer duds! I also got a custom-made card from Ry and Tess (Watch out, Reen. Ry has been hiding his card-making skills from us!).

Ry said he picked these pics of Tess because
she was wearing a colorful dress,
to match the colorful shirt that he
(or at least the "dog" version of himself)
was wearing in the card.

Tess has been having a few adventures in the world of baby food! Cast your vote on my poll to let me know which type of food you think she'll like best! So far, she's had pears and carrots, with pretty positive feedback. Carrots were definitely the messier of the two. Mer, these pics are for you.

That's about it. It's been raining nonstop for some time now. We have small creek running down our front sidewalk. But we're warm and cozy inside. And I'm happy and grateful.


ML said...

now that's more like it. we got lotion at church. not edible (although LK might debate that) but not frozen either.

Unknown said...

How come Ryan didn't think to put the fowers in the microwave on the defrost flower setting??? Better luck next year. Maybe CVS brand chocolates and fake flowers next year!!! hee hee

Tessie looks like a baby doll. My vote is for sweet potatoes. Squash is good too. Brooke has been asking if she can eat a jar of food too. yum yum! Hey, if that gets her to eat veggies, I have no problem buying cases of Gerber.

Maureen said...

She looks so shiny and clean in the top pics! Not so much in the bottom ones.

Ann said...

I am going to tell my dad to keep at it and not give up!! My kids were always so stand-offish with Jeanie (Marc's mom) because it would be several months between visits. But she wouldn't let them push her away! It was pretty funny to watch and they did come around! So tell Keith (Dad) and Mom! to keep trying!