The cute owl onesie that seems to be contributing to her mischievous spirit is from her Aunt Reen (she's not wearing the matching pants--they're still a wee long on her).
Just a couple of pics of Tess hanging out with Dad. Ry is such an amazing dad to Tess. I know he's tired and worn out when he gets home, but he always makes time to spend with Tessie in the evening.
Tess enjoys her dad time. It's so cute to watch her play with him. It's interesting that when she's with him, she frequently reaches out to touch and stroke his face with these inquisitive, gentle pats. She doesn't do that with me. She seems so engaged and interested when she's with him.
Tess is getting better at chowing down her cereal. She'll be eating us out of house and home in no time!
Hi Mir
I just saw a commercial for Bessie. She was making arm pit noises. NICE!!! Just want I want my kids to watch. Brooke watched the comemrcial and I asked her is that is a show she'd want to watch and she said no. Hopefully it won't appeal to anyone and that will be the end of Bessie!
Can't get enough of that Tess! My favorite pic is the one where she looks like she's clapping her hands and shouting for joy. I feel a scrapbook page coming on...
My favorite pic is the one where she is being fed by her (I hope) father. I'd recognize those hands anywhere!) Love, Dipsy
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