I suspect that Maureen is either baby-hungry or that she may have some serious anti-social tendencies. In either case, I'm not sure I should be feeding this appetite.
But I love you Reen, so here are your pics of:
My sister Meredith has made an equally troubling request: she wants pics of Tess crying. When I was talking with Mer on the phone the other day she was surprised to hear Tess crying in the background.
Evidently my blog posts give the misleading impression that Tess is always smiling and full of sunshine and rainbows.
Well, the sunshine and rainbows part is true, but she earned her nickname "Screecher" for a reason.
Now I suspect that Mer made her request in part to cure Maur's baby-hungriness. Either that or Mer may have some serious anti-social tendencies. So, here you go, Mer. I only had to pinch the angel baby 20 times to get her to scream.
Such SWEET SWEET pics of Tessie Bird. I especially love the last one.
She looks like she's faking the crying. I don't believe it for a second.
Who WOULDN'T want to see every bit of that adorable baby? Every part is more perfect than the last! She and Lauren are tied for "cutest tongue."
She looks like a newly hatched chick with that hair :) I just love it. And that "nuzzle spot" looks especially nuzz-able.
I've said it before and I'll say it again-- she takes my breath away.
From Kenzie:
"Look at her cute blue shiny eyes!"
Crying pic: "Aw, poor baby."
"I love cute little Tess! I'd really like to color with her too, but I don't know when is she going to do that."
Tess just gets cuter every day ! I'm excited -- just two more days and I see her in person !
Dad H.
I'm with Maureen. Some of your crying pictures look like she is laughing.
This post made me laugh! Your sisters are awesome. I would love to nuzzle your baby! Happy Easter. It sounds like you are spending it with the grandparents! Make sure you get pictures!
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