Saturday, August 24, 2013

Winding down

We've been easing verrry slowly back to East Coast time.

Tess got to try out the new playground at her school. She had her assessment, and we found out today that her teacher is the one who did her assessment. Very good news, since they hit it off.

We rearranged Tess' room, set up her new bed and Maureen's quilt is so cheery in there!

Tess has been sorely missing her Dipsy since we left. I found that she'd packed her backpack for school, so I peaked. Inside was her pencil case with only Dipsy's picture. Aww.

Only a handful of summer days left. Today we took the kids for an outing on the Occoquan.

Cutie pies!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Hidden Pond

Drew was pretty tickled with his "nest," though Tess didn't appreciate that the pond was covered with "allergy."

Idaho: the final hurrah

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Cousins Camp 2013